Miniature Game of Thrones books

As you can see in this image my handmade window nook/library shelves hold several books. Some of the miniature cover downloads I found online (the quality was not the best) but others I created myself. Since I work in graphic design it was no problem to manipulate real book cover images, resize them, make a mock up of front/spine/back cover. So I made tiny 1:6 scale books using real book cover images – and as per request I will share with you the Game of Thrones series 5 book covers. Look further below for the free PDF file.

This is what you will get in the file:

GoT book covers

The PDF file is designed on A4 paper but it is ok to print on Letter paper – just choose Highest quality/ Actual size.

Also I would suggest to use photo paper or other high quality paper to get the best results.

Here is the PDF file for free:  GoT_book_covers_1_6_scale

You’re welcome 🙂

P.S. In one of the upcoming posts I will go into more detail of the actual book making. So stay tuned!

DIY graphic shirts

To celebrate the International Women’s Day I decided to make some really cool feminist shirts. I had this printable fabric that you can just put in your inkjet printer and print the designs you want, then peel off the backing paper, rinse fabric for 30 secs in cold water and sew it as you would sew any other regular cotton poplin. The only drawback – you can’t wash it since the inkjet inks are not permanent. So for collectors items it suits well.

Continue reading DIY graphic shirts